
It Takes Time

Rolex is traditionally associated with success. It’s not a tribute to someone’s results — it’s a representation of their journey. The trials & tribulations that they’ve endured while no one was watching, got them to the results that everyone sees.

Hidden Crowns

This campaign is all about aligning Rolex with the entrepreneur in all of us. That’s why we’ll place hidden crowns around major cities to give people a sign that they should keep pushing towards their dreams even if no one else sees it.

As you push through transportation turnstiles, these crowns will be projected onto the floor in front of you. Reminding you to keep pushing towards your goals.

Hidden crowns will also appear on subway trains showing you that Rolex is always with you on your journey.


Time Tells All

To highlight the journeys of professional athletes that have overcome adversity, giant Rolex watches will be installed outside of sports stadiums. As you walk by, these watch faces will transform into videos that tell the stories of your favorite underdogs.

Timeless Watch Collection

Since there’s no time limit on success, Rolex is releasing the Time-Less Collection. These watches and clocks will tell everything but time, reminding yourself and others what you’re working towards.

Share Your Time

It takes time for people to see your vision which is why we want to hear about it. Hit us up on social media and tell us about your business. We’ll pick our favorite stories and have them come on the podcast to talk about their business journey. 

Rolex is buying ad space for small businesses to show the world what your hard work created. This campaign celebrates the journey, that's why we're highlighting small businesses on theirs.

Your Time to Shine

A Rolex watch purchase captures a moment of time in your life which is why we are giving customers the opportunity to write a note to their future selves. In 10 years, we will send you a case with this note engraved on the lid, to remind you of the mindset that got you this watch in the first place.

Time Capsule Case